Months ago, I met a men
He asked me, what I want to do in my life?
I said I used to have dream to be a documenter, living in nomadic way, always moving, changing
Then he asked me again, when?
I said I don't know, maybe when I'm graduated from journalism, but the problem is in journalism I don't learn how to be a documenter, that's why I joined cinematoghraphy club, but I never completely learn everything . I learn to write a script, be a sound girl, but I can't be anything at once.
He told me that the dream will always be a dream if we always delaid it, and it'll be a thousand of redason coming to not reach it. He asked me to do something, to make a documentary of my own. Though, I didn't do it. Until a week ago, I had a camera in my hand, and I was lost in Braga, then I remember what he told me. I shot everything that I saw. I always love to see human behavior, what makes them smile, cry, mad, the emotion, and everything around it. So, this is my first documentary, I know it's far from perfect, I still learning it, and hope to get a progress.
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