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Turn Your Dream into a Fiction

Turn Your Dream into a Fiction

I write down almost every single dream that I had in the night since I was about nine or ten years old. Why? Basically because I had a nightmare at that moment, and I kept remembering it, then I decided to write it down on my diary. But then I addicted to write more and more. Our dreams that we had in the night in our sleep, are amazing, and unlimited. Full of emotion and sensation, give us a great ideas, even tough sometimes they make us cry in the morning, or frightening. Some people believed that every single dream have a special meaning.
I continue to write down my dreams because I enjoyed to read it back again. Sometimes they are associated to each other, sometimes it just a weird and doesn’t really has the “Heart”, but sometimes it could made my throat even felt the heartbeat. Mostly, my dreams didn’t really had a main character, and it was like an incident lead by another incident, but didn’t really had a climax, or the real story. That’s why I turn it into a fiction.

This is one of the example a dream that I had in Nov-27-2013

We were stuck in the underground, and I saw Nudi came out from the door. There was something weird about him, he already married at that moment and he told me about his wife, and told me not to tell anyone about his marriage. Suddenly, someone called my phone, but it was Nudi, I looked at Nudi, Nudi was besides me, then who that was? Somehow I guess that it was Nudi’s wife, but it wasn’t. It was his father that made about his wife. He screamed about how selfish his wife and Nudi was blind to choose her as a wife. Nudi had a three pack of Nasi Kuning (Indonesian food), but he only eat one, the rest he gave it to his wife. He didn’t gave to everyone on that room that were starving, because he afraid of his wife.
Somehow, we were in the middle in the desert now, with the same people, included Nudi. We ate Nasi Kuning, but there were a group of ninja using a black horse came out. People frightening, and screaming, that was a chaos. Then Nudi pulled my arms, and Carried me up to his black horse. But I pulled back and said “I can’t go with you, I need a water,” but Nudi didn’t care, and still rode the horse in the middle of that chaos.
He rode the horse to the waterfall, and we stop at the top of waterfall. People followed us, and there were fell to the waterfall.
“Are you insane? Please don’t stop here, I’m afraid idiot!” I said.
“Shut up! I don’t need your recomend!” he said.
There were a big titan who came to us, and took everyone who riding toward the waterfall, then released. When it get closer to us, it took Nudi’s shoe, and went away.

The end.

Then I turn it out into a part of fiction that I’m working on right now:

  There was a man, who rode a black horse, and masked his face like a ninja. He wore a black cloth in the middle of that hot desert. Sarah was sitting under the tree on that desert, the only tree that left on that place. She was dehidrated. Then the man came to her, in his black horse, then took Sarah arm gently, and carried her to the horse without saying any word. She was confused, but too weak to fight back or saying anyrhing.
He rode the horse with her on the back seat for miles. She was exhausted and looked terrible, she only wished that he would gave her some water. After a long path, finally, they arrived near the waterfall, a really big and beautiful waterfall. More beautiful even from Sarah’s dream about the waterfall. It was like a place where the fairytale had. He put his horse near the tree, which was very samiliar to the tree that Sarah found on the desert. He just left her without saying anything, but she followed him. He walked toward the water, and took a big leave from the tree, then used it to take the water from that wonderful waterfall. She sat next to him, and watched him slowly. He offered the water from that leave to Sarah. She took a sip from it. His eyes seemed very familiar to her. And somehow, from the first time she met him, she felt saved with him, with that stranger, that was strange.
She tried to look deeper into his eyes while she drank the water. His eyes was perfect, and the way the sunlight fell into his deep eyes made it looked more perfect. She drowned into his dark brown eyes. The man realized that Sarah was looking at his eyes, and he looked back. Her eyes locked on his eyes for a long moment, she was breathless. She gave the leave back to him, and he took a water again. He took off his mask to drink the water. And he was Daniel. After drank, he throwed her a little smile, then walked away. Left her in that beautiful water fall.

There are many inspiration that can pop out in your mind when you try to write down your dreams. Give it a try, it’s fun!


  1. Ms. Fadia, you remember your dreams so well. I can only remember bits and pieces of them. You described them very nicely. ~~~

    1. Thankyou for the feedback Ms. Iz :) I also wouldn't remember it if I didn't wrote it down immediately on my phone. When you start to write it, somehow the memories become clearer, just try it ;)


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