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Beauty: Pain? Happy? Sacrifice?

Beautiful. One word with thousands of meaning.

When we heard “beauty”, we may directly think about the perfect curve body of Kim Kardashian, or the exotic blonde curly hair of Christina Aguilera, in the other hand, beauty could have a meaning of how we represent our we represent our personality and behavior to people. There are so many definition of beauty depends on each person perspective.

Beauty is pain, a sentence that familiar to all of us. Beauty have a strong bound with looks, starting from a sharp nose, healthy hair, blinky nails, sexy lips, smooth skin, perfect curve of body, and all this perfect little thing in our body creates the whole meaning of beauty. People never can denied their imperfection that lied on their body. But people can cover or change each little physical imperfection that they had. Make up that could improve the impression from our face, also could make the dramatic effect to face. Fashion and dresses could represent what image of beauty is really do we want people to see in us. Surgery also one thing that could descrease our imperfection and get us closer to the meaning of beauty. Many people spend their time and money to have a whole meaning of beauty.

Sacrifice. We need not only to sacrifice our money and time to get a whole meaning of beauty, but sometimes our own happiness also involves. Environment and lifestyle pushed us to always judge and skeptic each little thing that made us less beauty, eventough sometimes our own lifestyle that do that to us. Daily beauty routine is a single step to cover it, but in reality the more we being skeptic about our body, the less it becomes perfect, we will always meet our imperfection. Where does it stop? It never stop, in fact many people got obsessed with their looks and tried to change almost everything on their physical look to be beauty, they got addicted to it.

Try to watch this video:

Beauty & The Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice

The perspective about pain and sacrifice in beauty imaged on the lifestyle of 21 years old, Gary Thompson who obsessed with his looks on “The Ugly Face of Prejudice” video. But this perspective change over as we meet 47 years old Reggie Bibbs who had tumors that grows all over his body. Reggie always afraid to make people feel uncomfortable or scared as they see his face. At the end , he could conquer that feeling inside him, he did it by holding on his perspective of what is beauty.

“Be happy, nobody can me” said Reggie. Be happy, especially to your ownself by appreciate your physical looks, afterward shows your inner beauty. Remember, no body can be you, that you are a limited edition. Everybody are beautiful and exotic on their own way because each person have a unique thing that made them beauty . Physical changes doesn’t always makes us a better person, instead of sometimes it makes us never satisfied to our body. Change your perspective about yourself, then you will find the real meaning of beauty inside yourself, because beauty is you.

There are two music that had a lyrics about the meaning of beautiful that I love
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera


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