My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm definately in love with this book since I read the opening, it had a great opening. It gave the readers part by part story from many different perspective about the main story. The story told me about a regular life with a complicated problem. It told me about how important a single option that people choice in their lives which had a great impact, not only to that person, but the impact still echoed from one generation to another generation. The background felt so real. I felt like jumping from Afghanistan, to Greece, then France, the background were built in a deep way packed in a rich words. Khaled is a wizard of story telling. He made the story flows in a natural way that wrapped in a good option of diction.
What I got confused was that there were too many characters. Many of them, that I think, aren’t important. In fact, they dragged me away from the main story. Like the story of Thalia and Markos. They had a unique complication of problem in their life, but it had nothing to do with the main characters and story. I got drowned into one story, then the new character with their own perspective came, and ruined everything. My emotion got up and down, and there was one point that I got bored.
But after all, still, I must say that Khaled is a master of story teller. When it got near to the end, it got my tears dropped and squeezed my heart. It touched and played my emotion. He left the ending with many question unanswered.
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